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文档介绍:The new standard version of English of grade three top volume lesson plans outside research
Module 1 Unit 1 I 'm Sam
Prepare to import:
1. When teacher came into the classroom enthusiastically greeted the students say: Hello or Hi. Shake hands with nearby classmates, waved at the students in the those who use English to greet division of the classmate say: Very good!Well done!Or just Clever boy/girl!
2. Tell the students in English my name, said: I 'm Ms Su and will name write on the blackboard.
Activity 1: listen to the sound, it is the figure
1. Open and lift the book, let the students see the at the picture in Chinese ask students the scene in the graph (Sam in the campus, Daming, Amy and Lingling in introduce themselves; when to leave school, they say goodbye to each other).Ask them if they think the e from?They are happy or unhappy?Every picture on children talking about?
2. Put the tape or read the listen to the tape the tape when the teacher wants to lift the book said, pointing to map the corresponding the recording again, asked the students, pointing to the corresponding figures of speech.
Activity 2: listening to talk
1. Read the first two picture dialogue, asked the students to read.
2. Explain to the students the teacher to the identity of the different characters in the story to introduce time the teacher said: Hello, I 'm...(character name), they will answer: Hello,...(the same character name).
Example: the teacher: Hello, I 'm Lingling.
Student: Hello, Lingling.
3. Do more examples with Sam and name many times to practice.
4. Tell the students the teacher points for some students to introduce teacher write on the blackboard the sentence pattern structure.
Teacher: point to a student
Student: Hello, I 'm Ms Su.
The whole class: Hello, Ms Su.
5. Tell students Hi and Hello is the this activity, the Hi instead of Hello,


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