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The Buy American Act.ppt

上传人:weizifan339913 2018/11/6 文件大小:720 KB


The Buy American Act.ppt



文档介绍:THE BIG
Big “A” Acquisition Conference May 4-5, 2011
The Buy American Act
Congress passed the Buy American Act (BAA) in 1933 to encourage purchases of American-made goods by the Federal Government.
The act was altered significantly in 1979 when Congress passed the Trade Agreements Act (TAA).
The BAA applies to acquisitions over the micro-purchase threshold of $3,000.
When it applies, the Buy American Act does not stop a federal agency from purchasing a foreign product.
Trade Agreements Act
Congress passed the Trade Agreements Act (TAA) in 1979 to meet certain requirements under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
The TAA gave the President the authority to waive the BAA requirements for certain procurements and that waiver authority was delegated by the President to the . Trade Representative (USTR).
The USTR has waived the BAA for eligible products in acquisitions covered by various trade agreements such as the World anization Government Procurement Agreement (WTO GPA, which includes 39 countries, including, most recently, Taiwan), North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Israeli Trade Agreement Act, etc.
Clearing up the Terminology Confusion
Definitions are in FAR
· BAA –“Domestic End Product”
· TAA –“.-made end product” and “Designated Country end product”
· BAA “Exception” vs. “Exemption” from BAA (or “Waiver” of BAA)
BAA –“Domestic End Product”: A "domestic end-product" is one that is (1) an unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the .; or (2) an end product manufactured in the . if it posed of at least 50 percent .-ponent.
Component is “an article, material, or supply incorporated directly into an end product or construction material”. FAR .
Details on the Terminology
TAA –“.-made end product”: an article mined, produced or manufactured in the US or that is substantially transformed in the US into a new and different article merce with a name, character or use distinct f


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