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上传人:追风少年 2011/9/7 文件大小:0 KB




1. What's your name?
2. Does your name have any special meaning?
e from?
4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main crop in your hometown?
6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?
7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climate like in your hometown?
9. What is the character of the people like in the regions where you live?
Friendly/warm-hearted/intelligent/smart/ clever/humorous/optimistic/kind/delligent/ determined/strong-willed/
10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people's favorite food in your region?
12. How do you make dumplings?
13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.
19. How long have you lived in Beijing?
20. What is the weather like in Beijing?
21. How do pare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?
22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?
23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?
24. Whhich is the best place you've been to China?
25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?
26. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?
27. What is the biggest problem China faces?
28. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?
29. Could you tell me something about your family?
30. Have you any children?
31. What is your child's name? Does his name have a meaning?
32. What does your wife/husband do?
33. When did you get married?
34. Describe your wedding.
35. How have weddings changed in recent years?


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