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Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage. Get the scoop on the best age to be wed.
We doubt you were shocked when Avril Lavigne announced she was splitting from her husband of three years. But while it's tempting to assume the cause was her brattypersona or rocker lifestyle, comments from her friends suggested that something more universal was at play: She was only 21 when she tied the knot and later told pals that she realized she'd been too young to make such a life-altering decision. Could fellow young celebrity divorceés Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, and Britney Spears have also hit the same age-related issue?
The Magic Number
There are practical reasons for the mid-20s dividing line, and most of them boil down to two biggies: education and money.
Turns out, the more years of higher education a woman has under her belt on her wedding day, the lower the chances that she'll get divorced ... and by 25, you're more likely to have earned a degree or two. "Educated women tend to be more confident about who they are and less willing to settle for a man who doesn't meet their standards," explains Terri Orbuch, ., author of Five Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great.
Odds are that by 25 you're also supporting yourself, so there's less incentive for you to rush into marriage because you're seeking financial security f