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上传人:tmm958758 2018/11/9 文件大小:22 KB





文档介绍:Reading Review of Madame Bovary
After reading this novel, I feel sympathy for Emma. I would rather call her Emma than Madame Bovary because I think whenever a woman should appear as an independent person, not a wife belonging to any man, especially at that time in France, a relatively stable mediocre era.
Emma had a basic instinct like all the people: unsatisfied with what she had and pursuing what she wanted. There is nothing wrong with her idea like this. Even in today’s society, it will be regarded as a positive attitude. If Emma could balance her dream and family, maybe she could be a essful woman, for example, a romanticist.
However, she couldn’t. In fact she was wrong in her childhood: at the age of thirteen, she was wrongly sent to receive aristocratic education, which was not suitable for her as a farmer’s daughter. The wrong education left erosion in her heart. From then on, her life drifted away from the actual world. Her dream was too far away from her real life.
The impractical dream formed her wrong character and the wrong character decided her sad life. So she was bound to be a tragedy.
It’s hard to say that Emma didn’t understand love. In my opinion, she was a person who held on to love, unluckily, in a wrong way. After Emma married Mr. Bovary, she had two affairs. It was condemned as immoral at that time and many people regard her as a dissolute woman. H


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