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上传人:坐水行舟 2018/11/9 文件大小:41 KB





文档介绍:Your Home (Your modation)
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
I live in a pretty spacious (= big) flat in the outskirts of my hometown. My family bought the flat a long time ago. We live on the 10th floor of a high-rise. It's a three-bedroom apartment. I think it covers about 130 square meters (= m'), It's a fairly nice place.
uptown area住宅区
downtown area市中心
2. Please describe the place where you live.
My home is bright and spacious. We have a fy sofa in the living room, and a large flat-screen TV set hanging on the wall. Our apartment is well-designed. In addition, I like the fact that we have two big balconies. It's really nice when the weather is warm. We can have dinner outside. All in all, I quiet like the place where I live.
3. How have you decorated your home (or, your room)?
I haven’t done anything. I am (still) renting.
My home is very simple. Our furniture is modern style. It looks quite nice.
I haven’t decorated the home at all. I am renting.
I made my home Chinese style. It looks very nice.
4. Do you have anything (hanging) on the wall of your home (or your room)? (., decorations)
(思路:同2 flat-screen TV 或者加上一幅画)
opposite to
certificate of merit
5. What can you see when you look out the window of your room?
I can't see much except for other buildings. We live


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