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文档介绍:Effect of Air-to-Fuel Ratio on Power of Gasoline Engine

Experimental system
Schematic diagram of experimental system
Diagram of a cylinder
Diagram of the system
Diagram of the inside of the engine
Actual images of the system and its ponents
Actual image of the engine
Measurement principles of Torque and rotation speed
A basic equation can be written as:
Where P is power,is torque and is rotation speed.
But sometimes a conversion factor may be necessary when using different units of power, torque, or angular speed. For example, if rotation speed (revolutions per time) is used in place of angular speed (radians per time), we multiply by a factor of 2π radians per revolution. Adding units:
Dividing on the left by 60 seconds per minute gives us the following.
where rotation speed is in revolutions per minute (rpm). Some people (. American automotive engineers) use horsepower (imperial mechanical) for power, foot-pounds (lbf·ft) for torque and rpm for rotational speed. This results in the formula changing to:
From the above, we know that given the torque or the rotation speed, we can calculate the other item using the above equations.
Results and Discussions
Theoretical calculation of heating value of gasoline fuel
The thermochemical equation of ethanol can be written like this:
And the thermochemical equation of octane can be written li


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