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上传人:花开一叶 2018/11/11 文件大小:63 KB





Mr Green has three daughters, but _________of them lives with him.
A. neither B. none C. all D. both
They all felt _______ after a ________ bus ride.
A. happy; pleased B. pleasant; pleased C. pleased; pleasant D. happy; pleasure
No matter ___________, I won’t agree with him.
A. what he does say hat he says C. how he says D. what does he say
---___________ have you lived there?
---I’ve lived there __________ I left school.
A. How long; since B. How soon; when
C. How long; as soon as D. When; since
This jacket is so nice, but it __________ too much.
A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spend
I’ve never seen _________ mountain in my life.
A. so beautiful B. such a beautiful C. so beautiful a D. such beautiful a
The old man didn’t allow us ________ into the house. It’s dangerous.
A. e B. come C. coming D. came
________ careful you are, ___________ mistakes you will make.
A. The more; the more B. The fewer; the more
C. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less
“What a nice bike! How long ________ you _________it?”“Just two weeks.”
A. will; buy B. did; buy C. are; having D. have; had
Because he is always ill, he had to _________ his job.
A. put up B. put on C. look up D. give up
________ you ever ________ the Summer Palace?
A. Did; go to B. Do; go to C. Have; gone to D. Have; been to
Not only he but also she _________ the


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