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ACT Science ACT科学解题技巧.doc

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ACT Science ACT科学解题技巧.doc

上传人:镜花水月 2018/11/11 文件大小:23 KB


ACT Science ACT科学解题技巧.doc


文档介绍:Science reasoning test
Summary: 7 passages with 5-7 questions each; 35 Minutes 40 questions, 5 minutes per passage.
Structure & solving method:
Charts and Graphs---3 charts and graphs with 5 questions each; --test the ability to understand and interpret the information that’s presented.
Scan the passage----focus on the charts----skip the introduction until u get into trouble doing questions----Look at the variables and units;
Identify the question type
Experiments—18 questions, 3 passages; ---test the procedures in each experiment and interpret them; (skim the experiments, write down key words (sth different from others) in the margin).
Scan the passage---identify the research objective—follow the procedure and identify the variable---study the result
Identify the question type
Know how to indentify assumptions
Fighting scientist—7 questions, 1 passage—Over sth that has already been resolved. Conflict and evidence supporting each view.
Follow a plan: Make a map about the order ( look at the question to determine which hypothesis to read first according to which one questioned more than the other)
One side at a time---read the introduction to identify the disagreement—grasp the argument each is making
Take the other side----the other hypothesis—underline the main idea, how disagrees from and agrees with the first
Compare and contrast----pared qu