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文档介绍:Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms position
Difference between speech and writing
(. Unit 2)
(. Unit 3)
Shorter, plete, repetition, pause
Complex structures
Nonsensical words (eh, aha, etc.), less formal
Longer, formal
Forms position
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
In chronological order
The first person or the third person
Event: beginning, development and ending (past tenses for past events)
Clearly state time, place, people, event, cause and result.
Emphasize on the theme, leaving out unnecessary details.
Example: Life on a Farm (Narration)
One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
This was serious business. Part of the family e depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were really in hot water.
Forms position
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
Focus on what’s described
Order to describe (center around the typical characteristics and features)
Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
The still morning calm is broken by the rooster’s crow. Shortly after that all the creatures on the farm are hungrily awake.
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for


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