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上传人:镜花流水 2018/11/13 文件大小:23 KB





7 days, boreal plain the consumer of surname plum is mirrorred to our newspaper, she is in when courtyard of some hairdressing beautiful body consumes the city zone, via having each other persuade repeatedly, dealt with a piece of whole body to nurse card. Using, below the circumstance that separates one evening only, she hopes the other side retreats money to refuse however. Transient hairdressing inn resists hairdressing temptation hard Ms. Li tells a reporter, she in the city zone some elementary school works. 1 day, ms. es off work the city zone of by way of courtyard of some hairdressing beautiful body, two youths block her, mend enthusiasticly to her, new store opens business, want to spend 38 yuan to buy a piece to experience card only, can wash a face 4 times to still send systemic body to nurse. Via living of two people persuade repeatedly, ms. Li bought a piece to experience card. 3 days afternoon, ms. Li goes to this beauty parlour washing a face without the class. Attitude of attending to guests of the other side is first-rate, wash a face for her at the same time, mend the hairdressing product in inn to her at the same time. A clerk says, she is facial slant yellow, and have spot, eye ministry furrow is much, eye socket is black, if or else nurses, the skin is met after another clerk says poorer; , her thymus breeds the canal is illogical, the mai


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