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上传人:drp539606 2018/11/13 文件大小:45 KB





文档介绍:完成对话专项练****br/>话题包括: 打电话, 就医, 购物, 问路,就餐,问候, 介绍, 感谢, 告别, 道歉, 邀请, 请求允许, 祝愿和祝贺, 提供帮助, 接受或拒绝, 建议,约会, 谈论天气, 劝告, 综合类等。

1. Could /May I speak to Peter, please? 我能找彼得接电话吗?/我能与彼得通话吗?
2. He is not here right now. 它现在不在这儿。
3. Who is that?/Who’s calling, please? 你是谁?
4. Hold on, please. 请别挂线。/请稍等。
5. This is Peter speaking. /Speaking. 我是彼得。/正在说话的人是彼得。
6. Can /Could I take a message for you? 我能为你传话吗?/我能为你捎口信吗?
7. I’ll give her the message as soon as es ,我就告诉她此消息。
you ask her/him to call me back?你要他/她给我回电吗,好吗?

1. Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?
2. Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearest post office?
3. Excuse me, how can I get to the TV station?
4. Do you know where the TV station is?
5. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here./I’m new in town.
6. Why not ask the policeman over there?
7. --Is it far from here? --Yes, it is./ No. it’s quite near.
8.--How far is it (from here)?
--It’s about 15 minutes’ walk. / It’s about 100meters away from here.
9. It’s a little far from here. You’d better take a bus/taxi.
10. --How long does it take to get there? --It takes about 20 minutes.
11. --Can I go there by bus./Can I take a bus there?
--Yes, you can./Of course you can?
12. --Which bus shall /can I take?
--You can take the No .42 bus. /The No. 42 bus will take you there.
13. --Where