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上传人:小博士 2018/11/14 文件大小:78 KB





文档介绍:Analysis of Direct and Indirect Styles munication
Most of the culture not only includes munication,also include municate. The Chinese on many occasions tend to indirect or subtle way munication as the main way municate. Westerners on many occasions tend to direct way munication. munication based on fuzzy type and the abstract language foundation. In munication senders provide some information of the background to receiver and at the same time it depends on the reason and the reasoning ability to munication. It can get more information than the actual discourse. This means munication is widely used in China. Westerners like to use munication is based on the direct and accurate language foundation,which won’t produce understanding of the ambiguity.
The Chinese people in the course of municate tend to use rich expression and expressing effect of pay attention to the thinking in images. Westerners are good at using abstract logic mean strong expression. The Chinese image thinking emphasize the form to see the principle, the beauty to see really. Westerners abstract thinking emphasizes concept analysis,logical reasoning. The emphasis is on ‘don’t have any value color of the facts’.
The Chinese people in the exchange of the conversation often considers the status difference and need to be friendly and interpersonal harmonious factor,using different way munication. West