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文档介绍:Tianjin Ancient Culture Street(古文化街)
Tianjin Ancient Culture Street with 600 years history. Located on the west bank of Haihe River in Nankai District, it is mercial pedestrian street which is worth visiting. It used to be one of earliest water transport docklands in Tianjin where is one of the biggest cities merce and trade in history.
Tianjin Food Street(天津南市食品街)
Tianjin Food street is the biggest food emporium in China. While tasting famous snacks from all over the country, you can also savor dishes with the flavors of eight Chinese Cuisines. All of these add to its high reputation as a food palace.
Three delicacies of Tianjin(津门三绝)
Ear-Hole Fried Cake(耳朵眼炸糕)
It is crisp and tender, sweet and delicious. Because its name was a tongue twister, and the shop was situated near Er Duo Yan Alley outside of the Northern Gate in Tianjin, people preferred to call it ear-hole fried cake.
Goubuli Baozi(狗不理包子)
Goubuli Baozi was created in 1858 by a native man named Gao Guiyou of wuqing county, his nickname is Gouzi.
As his business was done well, he was always too b


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