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The practice and problems of Supply chain finance
As one of the most important financial pillars for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(SMEs), Supply Chain Finance is being transformed into a variety of forms, and is to provide SMEs with more convenient services in plex forms. It is important to play the role of supply chain finance better, to reduce the financing
costs of SMEs effectively,and to improve the SMEs’efficiency in the use of funds.
These have great significance for the economy of China.
By reading the literature and fieldwork and studying the theory and practice of supply chain finance, I Sort out the main problems of the business and management pattern status of supply chain finance, and finally put forward the corresponding improvements.
Through a series of research,I find many problems mercial banks:
The settings of the institutions are not flexible,mercial banks can not pay enough attention to the instruments of supply chain finance.
Their marketing approaches are too rigid fixed to divert attention from the core enterprises to SMEs.
mercial banks can not modate petitors and petition in the Financial market, and can not actively participate in the Finance on the line.
All of the above make efficient and widespread benefit financial system difficult to build paper analyzes the problems of the above and put forward Some of my views:
Commercial banks should make anizations more reasonable and set up the professional department for Supply Chain Finance.
In order to adapt to the work of Supply Chain mercial banks should reform their remuneration systems, and train their staff more reasonable .
The financial field is changing, commercial banks should change their attitude of petition and then cooperate with the merce businesses actively. In this mercial banks could service SMEs better and get rid of the dependence on the core enterprises.
We should build the New Supply Chain Finance System through a variety of ways