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Sinc e the reform and opening up, C hina has made grea t ac hie ve me nts in all aspects such as
economy, international status, culture e xc ha nges and the like. Gradually, the co mmunica tio n and
exc ha nge between Rizhao and the o uts ide world ha ve e mo re frequent and diversified.
Rizhao Municipal Government Work Report 2013, as a formal and authoritative political
document, reviewing the past work, ac hie ve me nts and ings of the munic ipa l
go ver nme nt, and proposing and drawing up the po lic ies, guidelines and b luep rint for Rizhao ’s
future de ve lop me nt, undo ub ted ly is the most a uthe ntic and reliable information source that the
rest of the world can obtain.
The translation q ua lity of the report will directly a ffe ct the target readers’ accurate
co mpre he ns ib ility to the source te xt. Ho we ve r, the grea t difference between C hinese and foreign
cultures, Rizhao’s local c ha racte ristic s, and the uniq ue fea ture s of the go ver nme nt work report
ha ve made the translation a special field. Therefore, the translation of the go ver nme nt work
report is important and co mp lica ted and it needs theore tic a l guidelines. In the process of
tra ns latio n, firstly, the writer re ga rds Euge ne A. N ida’s functio na l eq uiva le nce theory as the basic
guid e line to tra ns la te and a na lyze Rizhao Municipal Government Work Report 2013: the readers
of a tra ns la ted text sho uld be ab le to co mp rehend it to the point that they can co nce ive of how the
original readers of the text mus t ha ve understood and appreciated it. Seco nd ly, the writer thinks
the req uire me nts of go ver nme nt a ffa irs translation a lso co ns ist of faithfulness, e xpres s ive ne ss as
well as elegance.
This report p ro vides an e xp lic it description abo ut the back gro und of the task, its process and
case a na lys is. Chapter one is the introd uc tio n of t his report, whic h presents its back gro und and
anization of