学院: 药学院
专业: 化学教育
班级: 一班
指导教师: 杨立滨
学生姓名: 岳瑞轩
学号: 0711014102
摘要: 目的开展Fe掺杂ZnO纳米粒子的制备及表征的研究工作。方法以硝酸锌、硝酸铁、氢氧化钠等为原料,采用沉淀法合成Fe掺杂ZnO纳米粒子,并对样品进行表征。用WCT-2A型热重分析仪对样品进行TG-DTA测试;用X-射线衍射仪测试样品的晶型结构;用UV-Vis分光光度计记录样品DRS光谱。结果通过沉淀法成功地合成了纯ZnO、及Fe含量为(%、1%、3%、5%)的Fe-ZnO纳米粒子,并对样品进行表征。结论掺杂的铁离子进入了ZnO的晶格取代了锌,拓展了样品的光学响应范围;并且,适量的Fe掺杂也丰富了ZnO纳米粒子的表面态(表面缺陷)并改善了与之相关的光生载流子的分离效率。
Fe Doped ZnO Nanoparticles and Characterization
Abstract: Object Fe doped ZnO nanoparticles to carry out the preparation and characterization of the study. Methods zinc nitrate, ferric nitrate, sodium hydroxide as raw materials, synthesis of Fe doped ZnO precipitation of nanoparticles, and the samples were characterized. With a WCT-2A type TGA TG-DTA samples were tested; By X-Ray diffraction crystal structure of the test sample; using UV-Vis DRS spectra recorded sample spectrophotometer. Results essfully synthesized through the precipitation of pure ZnO, and Fe content (%, 1%, 3%, 5%) of the Fe-ZnO nano-particles, and the samples were characterized. Conclusions Iron doped into the ZnO lattice replaced by zinc, corresponding to expand the scope of the optical sample; and the appropriate amount of Fe doped ZnO nanoparticles are also enriched in the surface states (surface defects) and the associated improved Photogenerated carrier separation efficiency.
Keywords: ZnO; Fe doped; precipitation; Characterization
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
前言 1
1 仪器试剂 11
仪器 11
试剂 11
2 实验方法 11
Fe-ZnO纳米粒子的制备 11
纯ZnO前驱物的制备 12
Fe-ZnO前驱物的制备 13
目标产物Fe-ZnO纳米粒子的制备 13
样品表征 13
3 实验结果 13
TG-DTA测试 13
XRD测试 14
UV-Vis DRS测试 16
4 讨论 17
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 21
附录Ⅰ(英) 21
附录Ⅱ(中) 24
氧化锌(ZnO)是一种重要的直接宽带隙半导体材料, eV。纳米级氧化锌是一种新型高功能精细无机材料。由于颗粒尺寸的细微化, 使得纳米ZnO产生了其本体块状材料所不具备的表面效应、小尺寸效应、量子效应等[1]。与普通ZnO 相比, 纳米ZnO 展现出许多特殊的性能, 如无毒和非迁移性、荧光性、压电性、吸收和散射紫外线能力。这一新的物质状态, 赋予了ZnO这一古老产品在科