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文档介绍:二、单项选择 18分
have music _______Thursday morning.
A. to B. on C. at D. in
, Tom , are these your books? No ,they aren’t. I think they are________.
A. Excuse me: Jack B. Sorry : Jack’s
C. Ecuse me: Jack’s D. Sorry , Jack
help you, sir? Of course,. Here you are.
A. Can C. Must D. would
9. ______do you go to school? At 7: 15.
A. Where B., How D. Why
10. I like Friday because the next day is _________.
A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Sunday
glasses are these? They are Linda’s.
C. When D. Where
12. There are some trees ____ the dining room. We ofen play_____the trees.
A. behind, on B. in front of , under C, in , under D. behind, above
is your shirt? It’s in my drawer.
A. Where C. How D. Who
14. Is this your eraser? No. It’s Jane’s eraser. It’s __________.
A. mine C. his D. hers
15. Is there a supermarket near here? Yes,__________.
A. it is B. it isn’t C. there is D. there isn’t
16. ______ do you have lunch? I have lunch _______ 12 o’ clock.,
A. Where , at B. How, on C, What time, at D. What, on
17. This is my brother and _______name is John.
A. his B. her C. your D. its
18. What about _______?
A. go swimming B. to go swimming C. goes swimming D. going swimming
19. _____ is your sister? She is eight.
A. How old B. How C. How much
20. I like to


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