文档介绍:第 66 卷第 1 期化工学报
2015 年 1 月 CIESC Journal January ·471 2015·
Ag3PO4 改性 PVDF 超滤膜的结构与性能
周婕 1,文晨 1,吴佳朋 1,肖长发 2
(1 天津工业大学环境与化学工程学院,天津 300387;2 膜材料与膜过程国家重点实验室培育基地,天津 300387)
摘要:将不同量 Ag3PO4 均匀地分散在聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)铸膜液中,利用相转化法制备了改性 PVDF 膜,通过扫
后的清洗效果。结果表明,添加 Ag3PO4 的 PVDF 膜具有不同的微结构与性能,当添加 1% 的 Ag3PO4 时,膜皮
能使改性膜的通量恢复率达到 85%以上。
中图分类号:TQ 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0438—1157(2015)01—0471—07
Properties and structure of PVDF membrane modified by Ag3PO4 powders
ZHOU Jie1, WEN Chen1, WU Jiapeng1, XIAO Changfa2
(1School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China; 2State Key Laboratory of
Membrane Materials and Processes, Tianjin 300387, China)
Abstract: PVDF ultrafiltration membranes were prepared by the phase-inversion method with different contents
Ag3PO4 powders dispersed uniformly in the PVDF casting solution. The microstructure, separation performance
and antifouling ability of such PVDF membrane and modified membranes were investigated using SEM, contact
angle, cross flow filtration, and antifouling measurements, and cleaning effect for the fouled membrane was also
observed. The modified membranes exhibited di