It's all right letting yourself go,
as long as you can get yourself back. mick Jagger
New research suggests self-control
can be improved using abstract reasoning.
es in many forms, often so potent, so animal, that it seems impossible to resist. Eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much or letting the heart rule the head. We get instant messages from deep in the gut that resonate through the mind, trying to dictate our behaviour.
能够运用更高层次的认知功能——自制力来抵制各种诱惑是人类最为有用的技能之一,没有这种能力进步文明便不会存在。心理学家发现自制力与成功紧密相关,成功的因素包括高度的自尊、出色的人际沟通能力,恰当的情绪反应,以及也许让人惊讶的鲜有缺陷的高层自制力(Tangney et al., 2004)。
One of humanity's most useful skills, without which advanced civilisations would not exist, is being able to engage our higher cognitive functions, our self-control, to resist these temptations. Psychologists have found that self-control is strongly associated with what we label ess: higher self-esteem, better interpersonal skills, better emotional responses and, perhaps surprisingly, few drawbacks at even very high levels of self-control.
人们,仅仅是人类,常常要与其强烈的基本需求和自制做着持续斗争。然而,俄亥俄州州立大学的Kentaro Fujita博士与其同事在最新实验研究中发现提供自制力的方法,自制力的源头以及时而失控的原因。
People, being only human, find the constant battle with basic urges is frequently too great and their self-control buckles. However, recent experimental research by Dr Kentaro Fujita at Ohio State University and colleagues has explored ways of improving self-control, where es from and why it sometimes deserts us.
Based on new research, along with studies conducted over the past few decades, Dr Fujita and colleagues have proposed that abstract thinking and psychological distance are particularly important in self-control.
1. 抽象思考有助于自制的依据
1. Evidence that abstract thinking improves self-control