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上传人:花开花落 2018/11/28 文件大小:98 KB





文档介绍:Embassy Bombing Suspects Tried in New York
The trial of four men accused of bombing two American embassies in 1998 has begun in New York; 224 people died in the attacks in Kenya and Tanzania. The prosecution claims the men conspired with the Saudi dissident Usama Bid Laden to kill US troops and civilians.
The trial of the four men opened at a Manhattan court house amid tight security and under the scrutiny of the world's media. Lawyers arrived prepared for a lengthy plex trial. The four men are accused of conspiring with Islamic militant Usama Bin Laden to cause the 1998 bombings. The prosecution says they acted as part of a global conspiracy targeting Americans. If convicted, two of the defendants face the death penalty. All four of them have pleaded not guilty. The families of some of the victims were in court for the start of the trial.
The American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were blown up in August, 1998. Over 200 people were killed including 12 Americans. Thousands more were wounded. The bombings led to retaliatory US missile attacks on targets in Afghanistan and Sudan. Investigators have spent years trying to piece together the events which led to the attacks. In total, 22 men have been charged in connection with the bombings but many have yet to be extradited to the United States. Now finally the trial of four of the accused is at last underway. But with more than 100 witnesses scheduled to testify, an e is not expected for many months.
Samantha Simmons, BBC News
scrutiny n. 细看,考查
amid prep. 在……当中
militant n. 好战分子,激进分子
plead v. 申明,请求
retaliatory a. 报复性的
extradite v. 引渡
pawn ,无足轻重的人


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