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( )1. My mother wants to be ______actot.
( )2. Do you have to wear _______uniform at school?
( )3. Sally is _______eight-year-old clever girl.
( )4. Lucy can play ______ piano.
( )5. Lily can play er very well.
A. an B. a C. the D. /
( )6. ______ listen to music in the classroom.
( )7. Did your father visit the museum? No, he ________.
( )8. ______you have to wear sports shoes?
( )9. ______she enjoy reading books?
A. Don’t B. Do C. Does D. didn’t.
( )10. I don’t like the black dogs because they are ________.
A. beautiful B. smart C. interesting D. ugly.
( )11. ________was his weekend? It’s pretty good.
________is it going? Great.
________is the weather? It’s raining.
________do you think of key ring? I love it.
________was the weather like? It’s sunny.
________did you go on vacation? I stayed at home.
________does your mother do? A bank clerk.
_________is your favorite animals? Pandas.
_________do you often go to school? From Monday to Friday.
A. What B. How C. Where D. When
( )12. Is there a restaurant near here? _____________.
Yes, there’s B. Yes, there is C. No, it isn’t D. Yes, there are.
( ) girl often helps mother _______the bedroom.
A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. cleaned
( ) can make me ___________happy.
A. feeling B. to feel C. fell D. feel
( )15. Do you agree _______him?
Don’t arrive late ______ school


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