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上传人:镜花流水 2018/12/1 文件大小:25 KB





Helix alga (Spirulina) is a kind of low plant, reside door of blue green alga, quiver alga division. They and bacterium are same, there is true nucleolus inside the cell, weigh blue bacterium again so. The cellular structure of blue green alga is original, and very simple, it is the appears the earliest smooth accrete content on the earth, already lived billion years on this heavenly body. It grows in water system, it is thus clear that below microscope its configuration is helix filiform, get a name so. Lake of sea of beautiful river Cheng is 3 big, China of world produce exclusively the area of natural helix alga, the helix alga of the various places inside this foreign country breeds artificially, and manufacturing quality is uneven also. Because its nutrition is balanced, comprehensive and helix alga is faddish the world, e first-rate health to maintain food. Alga of times be good at helix takes Shang Chen method and dosage: Everyday 2, every time 3-5 piece. One bottle can be taken 12- - 20 days of; reduce weight take everyday 2, chinese meal and dinner, take 4 every time, anteprandial 60 minutes eat; health care to take everyday 2, take 3 every time anteprandial 30 minutes take; constitution relatively empty, inferior healthy and serious everyday 2, every time 5 anteprandial 30 minutes are taken. Shang Chen characteristic of times be good at product: 1. R