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文档介绍:Extract from The 250 Job Interview Questions by Peter Veruki. 1999.
Passion for the Business
Why do you want to work in this industry?
I’ve always wanted to work in an industry that …. One of my hobbies is …, so I’ve collected … manufactured by pany. I could be a … anywhere, but I’d rather work for pany whose products I trust.
How do you stay current?
I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fund newsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts.
Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul?
The technology in the industry is changing so rapidly that I see lots of room for job enhancement regardless of promotions. I’m particularly interested in the many applications for … as ….
Where do you want to be in five years?
I’d like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office. I also hope to develop my management skills, perhaps by managing a small staff.
Describe your ideal career.
I’d like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens. I was too interested in business to work at a university, but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood. I’ve been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients. Now I took forward to training the new hires.
If you had unlimited time and financial resources, how would you spend them?
I’d like love to be able to take several executives seminars on financial management that aren’t geared toward financial experts. I’d also love to be able to shut down my department long enough to send everyone through an Outward Bound—type program. Finally, I’d probably travel and look at petitors, and enjoy the food along the way. What would you do?
Motivation and Purpose
Tell me something about yourself and I didn’t know from reading your resume.
You wouldn’t know that I’ve managed … since I …, but I believe that it’s important for you to understand my interest in investment sales. I’ve …