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文档介绍:Game Introduction - The Night of the Rabbit
The Night of the Rabbitis a point-and-click adventure game created by Daedalic Entertainment. In this game, you will help young protagonist Jerry Hazelnut train to e a magician pleting objectives through the collection of items, solving of puzzles, and exploration of the world around him. Gamezebo’s walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.
General Tips
Interacting with the World
The Night of the Rabbitutilizes a single-click system in place of classic action buttons like “Use,”“Talk,”“Pick Up,” etc. The in-game cursor will change to reflect the action that is taken with a specific object if you are to click on it; left-clicking confirms this action and Jerry then carries it out.
There are four types of actions and cursor states: Talk, Use, Look, and Move. Talk is designated by a cursor that looks like a mouth, Use looks like a hand, Look looks like an eye, and Move es an arrow.
In the image above, Jerry’s mother has the Talk cursor on her, the carrot patch has the Use cursor, the Hazelnuts’ mailbox has the Look cursor, and the upper-right path has the Move cursor.
Thus, anytime you are asked to “Talk to,”“Use,” etc. an object in this walkthrough, you are really just clicking on the designated target. While you will only have one cursor on the screen in-game, the walkthrough images will highlight all objects necessary per scene in a single image.
If the cursor is not near an interactive object or person, it will have a single line through it and merely resemble a leaf. This is visible on the road in the image above. Clicking when the cursor looks like this will cause Jerry to move to that location.
Note: if you double-click when the Move cursor is visible, Jerry will leave the area immediately instead of walking to the exit first. This is a handy way to reduce travel time.
Inventory and Magic
As Jerry collects items and magic spells on his jour


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