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关键词: 现场施工;组织设计;施工管理
Qingdao jiaozhou overrun overload (1) class testing station anization design
Abstract:Along with our country economy unceasing development,The country into a well-off society's strategic plan is being implemented .The affluent society not only manifests the people material life enormously rich, Its important symbol , is a modernized city rises straight from the ground. The architectural engineering is the advanced post whose our country develops. Regarding our architecture industry , Constructs a project every time, must first carry on the plan to the project , Here plan, is the anization plan which and the plan establishment we say .
This anization design be predominant the basis of construction, Include the following aspects of the Content: Establishment basis, Project survey, construction deployed, Construction preparation, Construction progress schedule, Construction plane layout, Plans to put into this project resources plan, Contract management coordination of programmes, Main branch (sub-item) project construction technique plan, The special plan of construction and the anize each management safeguard measureexpect to the target work while drawing up, engineering quality, item anization constitution, labor anization, construction the progress plan a control, machine equipments and turnover material an equipment, main divide parts of item engineering construction method, safety assurance measure, civilization construction and environmental protection measure, decline low cost measure etc. many factors to consider possibly and well, outstanding


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