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This article introduced intelligence transportation system{臻(Intelligent Transportation Systems).The intelligence transportation system is赫advmnc∞d infonnmion technology,the data oommunicalion tranmmission
technology,the electronic control technology as well as puter processing technology and the advaneed administration method unifies, causes its effectively to synthesize Utilizes to the transportation service,the control and the goal is causes the person。 the vehiete,the road close coordination,the harmonious unification, enormously enhances the synthesis transportation efficiency,the
safeguard traffic safety,the improvement environment quality and raises the energy use article first introduced national and the local intelligence transportation and so on America,date,
Europe some development situations, our country intelligence transportation system development situation。Mainly from the adaption inteltigence transportation aspect,briefed:the intelligent vehicles development situation,the intelligent transportation and the
intelligent vehicles relations;The world intelligence vehicles
research present situation,does our country intelligenee vehicles research present situatiom,which performance adapt our country intelligence transportation intelligent yehicles to need to have. Intelligent vehicles system(1V:Intelligent Vehicles)uses the sensor technology,the technology,municat ion technol ogy,puter technology and so on, recognizes environment and condition which the vehicles locates,and
makes the analysis and the judgement,or sends oat to the driver advises and reportS to the police the information,proposes the driver To pay attention dodges the danger;Or in the emergency case,helps the driver to operate the vehicles(namely assi stance control loop). prevented the accident the occurrence#causes the vehicles to enter a safe condition;Or replaces driver’s operation,realizes the
vehicles movement