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大学生的压力-ollege Pressure.doc

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大学生的压力-ollege Pressure.doc

上传人:weizifan339913 2019/1/5 文件大小:25 KB


大学生的压力-ollege Pressure.doc



文档介绍:大学生的压力-College Pressure
llege Pressure
Isee t inds f pressure ring n llege students tda: eni pressure, parental pressure It is eas t l arund fr rebels-- t blae the lleges fr harging t uh ne, the parents fr pushing their hildren t far But there are n rebels, nl vitis
The pressure is heav n students h ust ant t graduate and get a b If I ere an epler I uld rather epl graduates h have this range and urisit than thse h narrl pursued safe subets and high grades I n inalulable students hse inquiring inds heer e I lie t hear the pla f their ideas I dn't n if the are getting A r , and I dn't are I als lie the as peple The untr needs the, and the ill find satisfing bs I tell the t relax The an't
Nr an I blae the The live in a brutal enTda it is nt unusual fr a student, even if he rs part tie at llege and full tie during the suer, t inrease t , 000 in lans after graduatin Enuraged at eneerit t g frth int the rld, he is alread behind as he ges frth H uld he nt feel under pressure thrughut llege t prepare fr this da f rening?
Alng ith eni pressure ges parental pressureInevitabl, the t are deepl integrated
Pr students! The are aught in ne f the ldest ebs f lve and dut and guilt The parents ean ell: the are tring t steer their sns and daughters tard a seure future But the sns and daughters ant t ar in histr r lassis r philsph-- subets ith n pratial valuehere's the paff n the huanities?


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