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Unit 1 Hello, Hi!课件.ppt

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Unit 1 Hello, Hi!课件.ppt

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Unit 1 Hello, Hi!课件.ppt


文档介绍:Section 1
Page 5
Putting Language to Use
Speak plete
5 Imagine you are meeting an English teacher from the USA at the airport. Read
aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.
You: Hello, are you Prof. Smith from the United States?
Mr. Smith: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me 1 ______________.
2 ______________ for meeting me at the airport.
You: My 3 _____________. e to China. My name is Zhang Lin.
4 _____________ my card.
Mr. Smith: Thank you. Here is mine. And 5 ______________ my wife.
You: 6 ______________, Mrs. Smith?
Mrs. Smith: How do you do? It's nice to meet you. Please 7 ______________ Mary.
You: How was the 8 ______________, Mary?
Mrs. Smith: Well, it was OK, although a little tiring.
You: Then let's get your luggage and go to 9 ______________ now.
Mr. Smith: Oh, thank you. It's 10 ______________ of you.
Unit | One
Thank you
Here is
this is
How do you do
call me
the hotel
very kind
Speak municate
6 Imagine you are a new employee (雇员) at a joint venture (合资企业). Mr. Smith
is the general manager there. You meet him for the first time at pany's
canteen (餐厅). Fill in the blanks according to the clues (提示) given in the
brackets. Then act it out with your partner.
You: 1 (引起对方注意) ______________. Are you Mr. Smith?
Mr. Smith: Oh, yes. Simon Smith. Are you a er?
You: 2 (表示肯定。问好。说你叫李英。) ______________________________
____________________. I'm a graduate from Binhai College.
My major is marketing.
Mr. Smith: Very good. 3 (表示欢迎) ________________________.
You: I'm happy to work here. I know 4 (表示知道对方的身份) ______________
Mr. Smith: And you may also know I'm a lover of Chinese food! 5 (给名片)
Excuse me
Oh, yes. How do you do, Mr. Smith?
My name is Li Ying
e to pany
you are the general manager
Here is my card
Speak municate
6 Imagine you are a new employee (雇员) at a joint venture (合资企业). Mr. Smith
is the general manager


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