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文档介绍:Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?

Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?
As to whether online businesses should be taxed, there is a longrunning concern as well as controversial debate.
Some people contend that online businesses are economic entities with the purpose of making profits, so it’s reasonable and obligatory for them to pay taxes. Taxing online businesses also demonstrates fairness to both physical retail businesses and their online counterparts. What’s more important, they will benefit from it in the long run. But others disapprove the practice. They hold the view that despite the high ecommerce transaction volume, online businesses do not have a very high profit margin. Taxation may force many online businesses to quit because they cannot make money any longer. Besides, if online businesses are taxed, the increasing costs are likely to be shifted to consumers, unfavorable for their healthy development.
As for my personal viewpoint, I support the former opinion. Now that online businesses mercial activities, they have no excuse to be exempted from taxation. Furthermore, the tax-free model surely brings some benefits to online businesses in the short term, but it will e a great obstacle for the far-reaching development of the whole trade.
On Catchwords
1. 目前各式流行语的出现让人应接不暇
2. 人们对流行语褒贬不一
3. 我认为......
On Catchwords
Catchwords are novel descriptions, which enjoy great popularity among the public and possess the ability of spreading. They can be applied to depict everything, including mindset, state, and people. Therefore, increasingly more catchwords have been appearing at the speed far faster than we expect.
There has always been great dispute as for the popularity of catchwords. For some people, catchwords reflect the development of language and information technology, which stands for the improvement of the whole society; while for others, they are of the opinions that catchwords a


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