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神学 2 PP.ppt

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神学 2 PP.ppt



文档介绍:Morality: A Response to God’s Love
Chapter 2
©Harcourt Religion
Chapter Overview
Jesus is the starting point of Catholic morality.
Love is the guiding principle of Catholic morality.
The kingdom of God is a central theme in the mission of Jesus.
Jesus models service and calls upon his followers to serve.
Incarnation (p. 23): “The mystery of the wonderful union of the divine and human natures”(Catechism, #483) in Jesus the Son of God.
Sermon on the Mount (p. 23): A part of the Gospel according to Matthew in which Jesus preaches important moral teachings, including the Beatitudes.
Beatitudes (p. 28): The teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on the meaning and way to true happiness.
Beatitude saints (p. 28): People who take the Beatitudes’ message to heart and attempt to live it.
Kingdom of God (p. 30): God’s reign or rule―proclaimed by and present in Jesus―in which people serve one another, share their goods with one another, and refuse to retaliate with violence against others.
Foot washing (p. 31): The activity Jesus performed prior to the Last Supper that es the model for all Christian service.
“Hard sayings of Jesus”(p. 32): Teachings such as the Beatitudes and the Last Judgment that monly held values and priorities.
Legalism (p. 35): Attitude of strict observance of laws, regardless of circumstances and possible harm to people involved.
Minimalism (p. 36): An attitude of doing only the least that is required by law in our moral life.
Moral muscle (p. 36): Pushing ourselves to do more than the minimum in our moral life.
1. Which moral questions does Jesus view as more basic than What should I do?
2. What does it mean to say that Jesus does “morality on the run”?
3. What does it mean to say that the moral character of Jesus serves as the basis for Christian morality?
4. Who is Jesus? List five ways to describe him.
5. Which wor