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文档介绍:Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice,one of Jane Austen’s most famous novels,tells us a story about love and marriage.
In this novel,the hero Mr Darcy and the heroin Elizabeth fall in love with each other. But they don’t realize it or we can say that they don’t want to admit it because Mr Darcy is so elegant and pride that it gives Elizabeth a false image that the man is not worth loving.
But later,after witnessing the tragedy of his sister’s marriage,Elizabeth begins to view Mr Darcy in a more reasonable way. And also,Mr Darcy has realized that he is too elegant and begins to change. At last,the two persons express their feelings to each other and create a legend of love.
但后来,在目睹了他妹妹的婚姻悲剧后, 伊丽莎白开始用一种更合理的方式来看达西先生。同时,达西先生已经认识到,他太优雅而开始变化。最后,两个人互相表达他们的感情并创造了爱的传奇。
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”,and it is the first sentence of this novel. I think it perfectly reflects the belief of people of that time. At that time,people think that marriage is about money and social status,not only about love.
So people in this novel such as Mr and Mrs are eager to marry their daughters to Mr Bingley who is very rich. I think Jane Austen wrote this novel not because she wanted to show people an inviting story about love,but because she wanted to reflect some social problems. Jane Austen wanted to tell people that marrige is the result of love, and money or social status should not be the obstruct of marriage. People have the freedom of loving whoever they love and don’t need to care about any other things. So this novel is worth reading because Jane said something that other people didn’t say and she was a fighter against the unreasonable tradition.


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