文档介绍:Chapter One
The Anglo-Saxon Period
Historical Background
About 660 Celts migrated to the British Isles.
About 400 to 330 . the Brythons, a branch of the Celts, came to British Isles and from them came the name Britain.
From 55 . to 407 . the British were under the rule of Roman Empire, which had a high level of civilization.
The first Roman general came to Britain was the famous Julius Caesar.
The Roman ruled over Britain for three and half centuries.
They built temples, roads, walls, and military camps, but made little influences on the cultural life of the Celts.
Most of our knowledge of the Roman es from De Bello Galico, a book written by Caesar, and Germania by Publius Cornelius Tacitus (55-120 .).
4. About 450 ., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isles.
The Anglo-Saxons defeated the Celts, and became the new master of the British Isles and were the ancestors of the present English people.
5. About 500 ., King Authur, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, acquired his fame while struggling against Cerdic.
He gathered around him the bravest of his followers, who were known as the Knights of the Round Table and for 24 years he fought against the Anglos-Saxons invaders.
6. After Anglo-Saxons’ settlement in Britain, their tribal society gradually dis integrated and feudal society came into being.
7. In the later part of the 8th century, the Danes, or the Vikings, came to invade England.
8. In the second half of the 9th century, King Alfred of the Wessex led the Anglo-Saxon kings to defeat the invaders by uniting their forces.