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上传人:vip_132_cool 2019/1/10 文件大小:570 KB




If you are ever in Connecticut,you need to be sure to take the family to pounce Theme park lies in Bristol, has been opened since 1846 and is known as America's oldest park.
In October,they open the park for an event called Haunted Graveyard which is open at rates are $ for regular tickets,$ for kids and $ for those over the age of you go before 5:00 pm,you only pay $ under the age of three are free and parking is $.
The rides at the theme park are so much ride liked by all is the Boomerang with the top speed of over 45 miles per drop on this ride is 125 popular ride is the Pirate two rides are great for thrill_seekers because you actually feel as if you're falling out of your seat.
The park also has plenty of water rides for those who love water fun,such as water guns and water Out is a fast water slide that is all in the goes around what looks like a the rides,the park also has fun shows for the whole have a great show and a cool are also some great places to eat at the park.
You can stop at the entrance to get a map won't be able to visit the whole park in a day so you should have your family choose what you want to and have fun!
【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。pounce Theme Park。它是美国最古老的公园,那里有很多刺激的游戏以及一些非常吸引人的活动,很值得带家人去玩。
young couple with a six­year­old child driving to the Haunted Graveyard at night will have to pay ________.
A.$ B.$
C.$ D.$
【答案】 D
does the underlined phrase “ thrill seekers” in Paragraph 3 mean?
who are very brave.
who look for adventure.
who like visiting parks.
who want to learn a lot.
【解析】词义猜测题。由句意可以猜出thrill seeker意思为“喜欢冒险和刺激的人”。
【答案】 B
passage is written mainly to______


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