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文档介绍:one of my dreams:?和几个好朋友,?打扮得美美的,拎着漂亮的箱子飞跃大洋彼岸,到梦想的地方,疯狂购物,?还不用担心?信用卡透支.... first destination:the next next ...........is密歇根州~Brief IntroductionState Name: Michigan(密歇根)Nickname: Wolverine StateStatehood: Jan. 26, 1837 (26th)Capital: Lansing(兰辛), since 1847; prior to that, Detroit(底特律).State Motto: "If you seek a pleasant peninsula(半岛), look about you."Population: According to the 2010 census, the population of Michigan is 9,883,:Michigan is the 10th largest state in the Union (combined land and water area).Michigan is the only state to consist of two peninsulas (半岛).The Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula Number of counties: 83Government:Michigan's Executive Office ? Governor Rick Snyder Climate:Michigan has a continental climate(大陆性气候) Economy:Michigan is the leadingauto-producing state in the tourist business is one of Michigan's largest e producers. Agriculture has always been one of major , In Spring WinterFord Auto(Michigan is the center of the American automotive industry.)


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