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文档介绍:AdMob Mobile Metrics Report
AdMob serves ads for more than 18,000 mobile Web sites and applications around the world. AdMob stores and analyzes the data from every
ad request, impression, and click and uses this to optimize ad matching in work. This monthly report offers a snapshot of its data to
provide insight into trends in the mobile ecosystem.
March 2010
Find archived reports and sign up for future report notifications at metrics..
AdMob Mobile Metrics Report
March 2010
New and Noteworthy
For this month's report, we examine the increasing diversity in the Android ecosystem, driven by the launch of new devices from different manufacturers with various form factors, capabilities, and OS versions over the past
seven months.
* Two Android devices, the HTC Dream and HTC Magic, collectively represented 96% of Android traffic in September 2009. Seven months later, 11 devices represented 96% of Android traffic in the work.
* In March 2010, Android traffic share on the work was divided relatively evenly between the three primary versions of the Android OS: Android (38%), Android / (35%) and Android (26%).
* Motorola was the leading Android manufacturer with 44% share of traffic in March 2010 due to the ess of the Droid and CLIQ. HTC was a close second with 43% of requests, followed by Samsung with 9%.
* iPhone OS traffic posed of two device types, iPhone (60%) and iPod touch (40%). The most popular iPhone OS device in the work is the iPhone 3GS, followed by the 2nd Generation iPod touch. The two
most recent versions of the iPhone OS generate 86% of the traffic. In March 2010, 44% of iPhone OS traffic came from devices running iPhone OS and 42% from iPhone OS .
* The Android platform has experienced significant growth in monthly traffic over the past year. Android traffic has grown at pounded monthly growth rate of 32% per month, going from 72 million requests in March
2009 to billion in March 2010.
* AdMo


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