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上传人:n22x33 2015/10/1 文件大小:0 KB





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Section A
W Did you visit the television tower when you had your vacation in Shanghai last summer
11畅: ?
M I couldn t make it last June but I finally visited it two months later I plan to visit it again
: ’, .
sometime next year
Q What do we learn from the man
: ?
W Thank heavens it s Friday Are you doing anything special this weekend
12畅: ’. ?
M Good question To tell you the truth my brother might ing over and so everything is
: . ,
up in the air right now
Q What does the man mean
: ?
M Hey you should be doing your art class now Why are you here
13畅: , . ?
W I realized I have no talent for drawing Drama is a better alternative than those brushes
: . .
Q What does the woman mean
: ?
W It s really cold outside You d better wear a pair of gloves to keep your hands warm
14畅: ’. ’.
M That s a good idea If only I had one with me
: ’. .
Q What can be inferred about the man
: ?
M I ve been trying every bookstore in town for a copy of the chemistry textbook The school s
15畅: ’. ’
bookstore ran out for quite some time
W Have you tried the one near the Sam s I heard they still have a few copies left
: ’? .
Q What does the woman suggest the man to do
: ?
W Let s go and watch the match in the TV room It s the final and I can t miss it
16畅: ’. ’’.
M I have two tickets Wouldn t it be better to watch it live
: . ’?
Q What does the man suggest
: ?
M I can t talk for long I d better get my paper printed if I still have time
17畅: ’. ’.
W Why do you always wait till the last minute
: ?
Q What does the woman mean
: ?
W Professor Johnston has been very busy this month I ve heard that he stays up very late every
18畅: . ’
M If I had known this I wouldn t have troubled him so much
: ’.
Q What do we learn from the conversation
: ?
Now you ll hear two long conversations
Conversation One
W No luck then


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