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文档介绍:International business basics training
The International Department of the Industrial mercial Bank of China Shaoxing Branch
June 2009
Table of Contents
Some risks, export enterprises need to guard against
Second, several of the international business billing methods
Third,international trade finance products
Fourth, foreign exchange wealth management business
Export enterprises closing to prevent some risks
Since the second half of last year, the financial turmoil triggered by the . subprime mortgage crisis intensified, causing a ferocious, very strong impact, spread to a wide range of international financial crisis. This wave of the financial crisis has affected the real economy of our country, but also a direct impact on the Foreign Trade of Shaoxing, especially export enterprises are facing significantly increased risk.
Ministry merce issued a notice through its official website requires, first export enterprises in China is highly concerned about the changes in the international banking market.
● At present, a large number of small and medium-sized banks in the United States is bankrupt.
● serious bank losses, said Nomura Securities in a recent global banking report, the United States and the European Union countries in 2009, many financial derivatives maturity is also a breach of contract occurred when a large area.
● According to the forecast of the international agencies such as Moody's, rising Banking crisis situation in Europe and America, the integration of banking mergers and acquisitions worldwide will enter a new climax. The financial crisis has intensified since last summer, the fate of many banks in Europe and the United States are different, staged a major reshuffle. Lehman Brothers crashing down, Fortis, RBS and other troubled, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Citigroup strength has been greatly weakened.
Risk Analysis
The risk of financing costs
Political risk
Exchange rate risk
The risk of foreign buyers
The risk of f


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