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上传人:beny00011 2015/10/9 文件大小:0 KB







In this paper, we study the trust from social institution system. The trust is someone’s
subjective expectation that someone has given trait or will take given action when they
restrict in the given circumstance and institution system. The paper proposes a point of
view that institution system is basic of trust, wherefrom institution system’s cell—cellular
rule. We deeply research social trust institution system. In this research frame, the paper
firstly discusses the differences between Chinese social traditional trust institution and
Hesperian social traditional trust institution. The paper secondly discusses the prime
causation which causes the severe social trust crisis in China, and deduces the
countermeasure which es the severe social trust crisis.
The cellular-rule is cell of institution system. It prescript and direct social members’
behavior—to do something and not to do something. The social members will be
punished when they disobey cellular-rule. According to the differences of the mode of
punishment, there are three kinds of enforcement mode of cellular-rule — the
self-enforcement mode, dispersive-spontaneity enforcement mode and centralized-force
enforcement mode. The optimum social trust institution system is determined by the
selection model of cellular-rule enforcement mode.
According to the selection model of cellular-rule enforcement mode, social trust
institution system consists of three rule layers — self-enforcement rule,
dispersive-spontaneity enforcement rule and centralized-force enforcement rule. Social
member’s behavior restrict in social trust institution system which is hierarchical system,
it result in maintain and increase social trust.
Chinese traditional social trust frame is patriarchal clan system, which was
hierarchical system. The relation of people was harmonized by the ethical rule, which is
from consanguinity and patriarchal clan system. Therefo