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Jury Procedure陪审团程序-课件·PPT.ppt

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Jury Procedure陪审团程序-课件·PPT.ppt



文档介绍:Jury Procedure陪审团程序
Before the formal trial
Before the formal trial ,the judge will list some note,and sand it to jurors. To tell them what they should do, what they should not do. After reading this written file, each juror should sign his name, says he has understood these precautions. The jury has anizer, who can also be called the “colonel” of a jury .The jury colonel elected by all the jurors.
Cross-examination system, namely, the judge and jury can not ask the case witness directly. All those questions are asked by both parties’ lawyer. The jury understand the truth of the case through lawyers’ questions and witnesses’ answers, the judge controls both the lawyer's cross-examination. Judges and lawyers could discuss the case in procedural matters, but jurors cannot participate it, because juries can't ruling procedural ,即法官和陪审团都不能直接询问案件的证人,只能由双方当事人的律师询问。陪审团是通过双方律师对证人的询问来了解案件事实的,法官则控制着双方律师的交叉询问。法官与律师讨论案件中的程序事项时,陪审员不能参与,因为陪审团不能裁决程序事项。
Cross-examination system
Knowledge supplement
In a court case, the judge will constantly send some instructions to the ,法官会不断地给陪审团发出各种指示。
After the witnesses of both sides have testified, the judge require the jury discuss the case, and make a decision当双方的证人都出庭作证后,法官就可以要求陪审团对案件进行讨论并作出裁决
According to the plaintiff's request, the jurors form the preliminary judgment, then ,然后投票表决
In court
In the vote, all those 12 jurors are demanded to vote投票时,要求12名陪审员都要投票。
In ordinary civil cases or criminal cases, there must be more than 9 voted agreed ruling. If less than 9 votes, that requires the jury reconsidered, until form a majority verdicts opinion .一般的民事和刑事案件要求裁决的投票结果达到9票以上。如果不能达到9票以上,陪审团就需要重新审议,直至形成多数裁决意见。
When es to the murder, must be 。
In civil damages cases, the jury could only make decision in the amount that re