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出处: 作者: 建筑规划考研学****网《》 2005-4-4 21:34:06
Suitability analysis of heritage corridor in rapidly urbanizing region: a case study 0f Taizhou City
YU Kong-jian, LI Wei, LI Di-hua, LI Chun-bo,HUANG Gang, LIU Hai-long
(Graduate School of Landscape )
Abstract:As a concept based on greenway development,heritage corridor,bined recreation and tourism development with ecological restoration and cultural conservation,e into being in the United States since the rapid development in the study of work,plans of heritage work were proposed for heritage conservation as part of ecological infrastructure in regional scale in recent years world many cases have shown,suitability analysis is the key in greenway planning approaches of greenway suitability analysis given in the former cases were plicated and too much data dependent to be applicable in the Chinese condition.
With GIS(geographic information system)technology and MCR(minimum cumulative resistance)model being used,a new approach of heritage corridor suitability analysis is designed to analyse and identify the suitability of potential areas for heritage corridors. This approach is featured in the following aspects:
1)A heritage corridor is defined as a linear landscape element bines the function of recreational activities,heritage protection and ecological processes.
2)In addition to the physical factors of heritages,the process of recreational use is the major concern in the definition of the suitability of a heritage corridor.
3)Recreational activities associated with heritages are considered as a horizontal process going across the process is taken as an active process which es the cumulative landscape resistance affected by land uses and covers. The less accumulative resistance a user is going to experience across the landscape,the more suitable the landscape is designated as heritage corrido