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文档介绍:Unit 5 Wild animals Reading I
一、Teaching aims:
1. 阅读有关大熊猫的文章,从上下文猜测文章大意。
3. 增强学生保护野生动物的意识。
to prepare:
1. 巩固词汇,将单词和短语连线。
survive support
fur continue to live
encourage special areas for wild animals
reserves thick hair of animals
2. 2. 词组翻译:
1).第一次 2).长成
3).达到 4).照顾自己
5).因为 6).在将来
7).两整天 8).独自

F____ sleep with their eyes open.
_______(大象)walk on tiptoe.
W____ animals like wolves and tigers are ing fewer and fewer.
________(狗熊) are big wild animals and they live in forests.
________(袋鼠)live in Australia and they look strange.
Giant p_____ only live in China and they are my favourite animals.
Task1: Guessing: What is it?
1) It’s a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp(锋利的)paws. It can walk upright(竖直地)._______________
2) It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever
and often plays some games for us in the

3) It jumps with its baby in his pocket. You can see it in
4) It’s the king of the animal world. It has yellow fur and black
strips(条纹)on its body. ______________
What is your favourite wild animal? ________________
Task 2: Listen and answer
’s the story about?
2. What will happen to giant pandas if we do nothing?
did she look like when she was ten days old?
4. Is it difficult for giant pandas to survive in the world?
Task 3:Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
1. How old was the baby panda when the writer first saw her? What did she look like?
2. What did we call her? What does it mean?
3. How much did Xi Wang weigh at birth?
4. How long did she drink her mother’s milk at the very beginning?
5. When did she start to eat bamboo shoots and leaves?
6. Why did she have to look after herself when she was 20 months old?
Task 4: Careful reading
1) <Read the report .Match the main idea.>
Paragraph 1: take actions to protect pandas


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