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Shock absorber spring is mainly used to suppress vibration at the time of oscillation after the rebound from the impact of the road. After uneven pavement, while a spring vibration absorber can filter road vibration, but the spring itself will have reciprocating motion, which is used to control this kind of shock absorber spring jumping. Shock absorber is too soft, the body will be jumping up and down, too hard Shock Absorber will give rise to any serious resistance to impede the normal work of the spring.
The design of shock absorber for light goods vehicles subject design, consider the use of light goods vehicles are mainly used to transport goods, so the design of the shock absorber of the first consider the need to meet the needs of load, truck load to meet under the premise of the design, The design options for dual-action hydraulic shock absorber. The principle role of this shock absorber is done when the frame and axle back and forth relative movement, the shock absorber piston in steel drums has done in the reciprocating motion, then the oil shock absorber shell will be repeated from one in cavity through a narrow pore lumen inflow. At this point, the hole wall and the friction between oil and the liquid molecules will form a friction damping force of vibration to the body and frame of the vibration energy into thermal energy, oil and shock absorber to be absorbed by the shell, and then scattered into the atmosphere. The greater the shock absorber damping