文档介绍:Lower GI 2
Barium Enema
The radiographic study of the large intestine monly termed a barium enema. It requires the use of contrast media to demonstrate the large intestine and ponents. Alternative names include BE (BaE) and lower GI series.
The purpose of the barium enema is to radiographically study the form and function of the large intestine to detect any abnormal conditions. Both the single-contrast and the double-contrast barium enema involve study of the entire large intestine
The two strict contraindications for the barium enema are similar to those described for the small bowel series. These have been described as a possible perforated hollow viscus and a possible large bowel obstruction. These patients should not be given barium as a contrast media agent. Although not as radiopaque as barium sulfate, water-soluble contrast media can be used for these conditions.
Careful review of the patient's chart and clinical history may help to prevent problems during the procedure. The radiologist should be informed of any conditions or disease processes noted in the patient's chart. This information may dictate the type of study that will be performed
Also important is to review the patient's chart to determine whether the patient had a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy before undergoing the barium enema. If a biopsy of the colon was performed during these procedures, the involved section of the colon wall may be weakened, which may lead to perforation during the barium enema. The radiologist must be informed of this situation before beginning the procedure.
Colitis is an inflammatory condition of the large intestine that may be caused by many factors, including bacterial infection, diet, stress, and other environmental conditions. The intestinal mucosa can appear rigid and thick, and haustral markings may be missing along the involved segment. Because of chronic inflammation and spasm, the intestinal wall ha