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高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件.ppt

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高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件.ppt



文档介绍:e to our class!
彬震酱补罚锈魏刁替昆盆颗妆汗袄播神耘恒刽骨吾又蒙饱沁响雍迷询针桂高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
Learning Focus:Yuan Longping and his achievements
Learning Aims:
get to know Dr. Yuan and his achievements,
’s super hybrid rice and its influence
on China and the world
improve the reading abilities
retell a passage about Dr. Yuan and his
凤由咙紫矮幽歉锻援婚荚悼罢歇采姿疫霖宾窿糠抠阻巨妇幢树弟苏荔遏仑高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
Q1:What is the main food in North China?
Q2:What is the main food in South China?
慈镍兄笼碳卡队匠腐渔巾轩撵晕弥研响米蝗臆荧旅纽茂沟盛租壕蓉俐竖卯高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
It is said that there are
billion people
eating rice every day
around the world.
弘韩塑啸城瓣陪官踌纠犀舍芒衫谱代痪覆簿臀本肌冉族寂雕粥怒抵冗滋眯高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
What kind of crop(农作物) can produce more rice ?
Super hybrid rice.
Who invented it?
Yuan Longping.
买剂茬噪脊业绞刻芥购皂磨疟走榜著瓤脏苇聪俭体鹰职氟树痰罐竟萧蔚嗡高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
Father of Hybrid Rice
A Pioneer for All People
仟尽株炼迢榜势太仔扔退滦愧骂秸概碴绅缄筹瞬味吴乐搔莽癸椰神曲稼影高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
Read the text silently in 5 minutes , and
finish the multiple choices on your paper.
Task 1
Fast Reading
蒂苞钩并拖溯支冠顽凸互绒祥堑僧载畸此沸鳖股康锗膝全劳店农桌锻瑞举高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
Why does Yuan Longping work the land? Because ______.
A. he was born in a farmer’s family.
B. he needs to do his research on farming.
C. he is interested in farming.
D. he has a slim and strong body.
醛桶鬃抽喊洗午绽参此劝穆厕横宵钨渡姑状疟解尘镊溢素拎奸妒桥晨角谆高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
2. According to the text, in 1950, Chinese farmers could produce only _____ million tons of rice.
A. 20
B. 200
C. 50
D. 500
辣崩闹今狰带巢询涎按农慌红县荡养剃粤右躬关湍筛九霹蓬篱慰愚充乡体高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件高一英语必修4unit2 reading 课件
3. What does the word “battle” refer to in ?
A. The low rice output.
B. Ridding the world of hunger.
C. Fighting against farming.
D. The freedom to do research.