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《中华本草》 收载具有理气功效药物药性规律及研究.pdf

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《中华本草》 收载具有理气功效药物药性规律及研究.pdf

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《中华本草》 收载具有理气功效药物药性规律及研究.pdf



文档介绍:Research on Chinese Herbs which can Regulate The
Normal Flow of Qi in Chinese Materia Medica

Specialty: TCM’s history and literature Study
Author: Song Hongwei
Tutor: Professor Guo Ruihua


Using the Chinese Materia Medica as material sources, the thesis
researches the property rules of 836 Traditional Chinese Medicines for
regulating qi flow with the method of traditional literature. The thesis
is aimed at discussing the rules of properties and functions,which will
guide the treating of qi disharmonies in clinic.
The thesis collects 836 medicines for regulating qi flow from the
Chinese Materia Medica,which records 8980 medicines in all,with the
combinative methods of traditional literature and statistical
analysis . We establish the total databases , source databases , four
properties databases , five flavors databases , channel tropism
databases, toxicity databases and functions databases of the medicines
for regulating qi flow. In the basis of the above, we will analyse the
above-mentioned statistical datas and conclude the rules of properties
and the relationship of properties and functions.
For the most part of the Medicines for regulating qi e from
the rutaceae, lauraceae, rosaceae, leguminosae, umbelliferae and the
composite family. Four properties preference on warm. The flavor is
mainly pungent , following with bitter and sweet . The liver is the
primary channel tropism .The spleen and the lung are taken the second
place . The main functions are soothing the spleen and clearing
epigastric fullness , analgesic , activating blood , heat-clearing and
detoxicating, warming the spleen and dissipat cold,relieving coughing
and asthma. The medicines are mainly used to treat the syndromes of
chest and abdominal distention, all kinds of pain, traumatic injury,
sore and swelling, cold pain of avity and abdomen, cough,
phlegm and asthma,etc.
The conclusion is that functions of medicines fo
