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Abstract : A centrifugal pump converts the input power to ic energy in the liquid by accelerating the liquid by a revolving device - an impeller. The mon type is the volute pump. Fluid enters the pump through the eye of the impeller which rotates at high speed. The fluid is accelerated radially outward from the pump chasing. A vacuum is created at the impellers eye that continuously draws more fluid into the pump . This article stresses on a series of centrifugal pumps,From a brief introduction to the principles.
Keywords : centrifugal pump ,Introduction ,Working principle , Cavitation , Mechanism of Cavitation ,Solution and Remedies
1. Introduction
Pump ,device used to raise ,transfer ,press liquids and gases .Four general classes of pumps for liquids are described below .In all of them ,steps are taken to prevent cavitation (the formation of a vacuum) ,which would reduce the flow and damage the structure of the pump .Pumps used for gases and vapors are usually known pressors .The study of fluids in motion is called fluid dynamics.
Water pump ,device for moving water from one location to another ,using tubes or other machinery .Water pumps operate under pressures ranging from a fraction of a pound to more than 10,000 pounds per square inch .Everyday examples of water pumps range from small electric pumps that circulate and aerate water in aquariums and fountains to sump pumps that remove water from beneath the foundations of homes .
One type of modern pumps used to move water is the centrifugal pump .Early version of the centrifugal pump ,the screw pump ,consists of a corkscrew-shaped mechanism in a pipe that ,when rotated ,pulls water upward .Screw pumps are often used in waste-water treatment plants because they can move large amounts of water without ing clogged with debris .In the ancient Middle East the need for irrigation of farmland was a strong inducement to develop a water pump .Early pumps in this regio


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