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Vampire The Requiem - Discipline Cards.pdf

上传人:bolee65 2013/12/12 文件大小:0 KB


Vampire The Requiem - Discipline Cards.pdf


文档介绍:Animalism Animalism Animalism Animalism
Feral Whispers Obedience Call of the Wild Subsume the Lesser Spirit
Cost 1 vitae
Instant Instant Cost 1 vitae
Dice Pool: Dice Pool: Instant
Manipulation + Animal Ken + animalism Presence + Animal Ken + animalism - Dice Pool: Dice Pool:
Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism
posure Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism

The kindred with this ability has learned to The kindred’s connection with his own feral
By locking eyes with an animal, a vampire
understand the lesser creatures that sur- nature now allows him mand beasts, The kindred is so fully in tune with her own
may psychically enter the creatures body
round her, and to speak with them and no longer need he beg, threaten or cajole beast that she an call out in a feral voice,
and possess it as though it were his own, the
make herself understood. Because this animals into doing his will. He demands that beckons all creatures of a specific type
animals own mind and instincts -
requires initial eye contact, animals that and they obey as best they can. Requires any animal of that sort within a given area
pletely subsumed, allowing the kindred free
cannot see cannot be effected. eye contact as feral whispers. pelled to respond.
reign to take whatever actions he chooses.
The vampires own body falls into a torpor-
like state.
PG 115, V:TR PG 116, V:TR PG 116, V:TR PG 117, V:TR
Animalism A ura S ignifiers A uspex A uspex
Afraid Orange Innocent White
Aggressive Purple Love struck Bright Blue
Angry Bright Red Obsessed Bright Green
Lashing the Beast Bitter Brown Sad Silver Heightened Senses Aura Perception
Cost 1 vitae Calm Light Blue Spiritual Gold Instant Instant
passionate Pink Suspicious Dark Blue Dice Pool: Dice Pool:
Dice Pool: Conservative Lavender Confused Shifting Typically none. Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex -
Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism Depressed Gray Daydreaming Flickering (


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