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文档介绍:b) Get the ponents (drawbolt, expander, split ring,
bushing, anti-extrusion ring and back-up ring) of the internal
tool for unions.
anti-extrusion ring 密封挡圈,挡圈
c) Get the ponents (drawbolt, expander, split ring,
bushing, anti-extrusion ring and back-up ring) of the internal
tool for sleeves.
d) Get the ponents (jaws, anvil, retainer and adapter)
of the external tool.
2Get the applicable union, sleeve and nut.
3 C. Cutting the Damaged Part of the Tube
(1) Get the applicable CUTTER - ROLLER TYPE, CHIPLESS (permaswage):
(2) Put the tube cutter in the correct position on the tube.
(Ref. Fig. 240/TASK 20-23-11-991-027)
(a) Install the tube cutter on the tube.
(b) Make the tube touch the two rollers of the tube cutter.
(c) Tighten the drive screw until the cutter wheel lightly touches
the tube.
(3) Give the drive screw a 1/16 to 1/8 turn.
(4) Turn the ratchet handle through the arc of clearance until the wheel
does one or two turns.
(5) Make sure that the wheel makes only one groove:
(a) If the wheel makes only one groove, do steps (2) and (3) again to
cut the tube.
4 (b) If the wheel makes more than one groove (thread) on the tube,
remove the tube cutter. Do the procedure again from step (1) on a
new area of the tube to remove the thread.
(6) Cut the tube slowly and smoothly to make sure that the shape of the
end of the tube does not change.
(7) Regularly lubricate the ratchet, the rollers and the cutter wheel
with OILS (Material No. 03-001) for easy operation.
NOTE : After you do steps (2) and (3) two or three times, you can ____
give the drive screw a 1/8 to 1/4 turn in step (3) to let you
do the procedure more quickly.
(1) Remove the paint at the tube ends.
(a) Remove the paint along a minimum length (J MIN) of tube with a
(b) Make sure that you do not cause scratches on the tube when you
remove the paint.
(2) Deburr the internal diameter.
(a) Make sure that the internal deb


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