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文档介绍:e to watch the Italy-specific slides!
Italian Description:
Italy in southern Europe, mainly by the type of boots in the peninsula and two large islands in the Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Alps in the north of Italy with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia border. Pocket surrounded by the territory of two countries - San Marino and the Vatican. The country is divided into 20 administrative regions, 103 provinces and 8,088 cities (towns). The capital of Rome. Its services, especially tourism and foreign trade developed. A big gap between the major areas of domestic economy, North-South gap significantly. Italy because of its beautiful natural scenery and numerous cultural heritage of mankind was called beautiful country. Italy is one of the world's highly developed countries, is the North Atlantic Treaty and the European Union one of the founding members.
Italy's major religions: Roman Catholic
Italy's major ethnic: Italian
Italy's land area: 301,338 sq km
Italy's Independence Day: March 17 (1861) Italy's National Day: June 2 (1946) Italy's National Liberation Day: April 25 (1945)
Italy's flag:
Italy's National Emblem:
Italy's national sport: football
Italy's national flower: Daisy
Italy's State Stone: Coral
Italy there are two sovereign countries Pocket: the Vatican and San Marino. Capital: Rome (Roma)
Language: Italian (Italian)
Italy's association of history: In 1870 the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War Prussian victory over France, on January 18 next year, "Second Reich" was established. Germany, Italy, unity, change the European balance of power in the Vienna system.
301,338 square kilometers. In southern Europe, including the peninsula and Sicily, Sardinia and other islands. North to the Alps for the screen with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, bordering 80% of the national borders for the sea border.
Natural Resources